St的学生. 爱德华的爱人奥斯汀. 通常都是小事, sometimes wacky details that help them feel like they could make this city their home. Here are just a few of the quirks that make the city so great.

作为一个自然爱好者, I was delightfully surprised to learn about Austin’s fascinating use and implementation of green spaces. About a third of the city is covered in trees, 使我们的空气保持清洁, 提供栖息地和荫凉, and keeps the city looking incredibly beautiful. ——卡罗琳·牛顿,19岁

The 野生盆地创意研究中心 is the most surprising and fascinating hidden gem of Austin. 它相对靠近圣. 4166am金沙登录 campus and is often the location for natural science students to conduct certain field research or work. But it also doubles as a gorgeous and scenic nature hike where people can come in contact with the different natural Austin wildlife. ——亚历山德拉·哈廷,20


When arriving from Chicago, I immediately sensed the southern hospitality. The positivity and friendliness within the people is contagious. The presence of ease and happiness overwhelms the atmosphere, creating something beautiful. Austin is like no other; the people within are what make this city weird but also beautiful. ——克里斯蒂安·弗洛雷斯21岁

Honestly, I was surprised and impressed by the smallest of details I noticed during my time here: Almost everyone uses a water bottle, and they don’t usually use plastic bags for shopping. That kind of conscious sustainability is important to me, and I realize this city is special because they make that same effort everywhere. ——伊丽莎白·尤克勒斯19岁

This is super nerdy, but I took a guided hike through Blunn Creek by St. 4166am金沙登录, and I learned that the university actually sits on the edge of what used to be a volcano thousands of years ago. It’s just the coolest fun fact I’ve ever learned, especially because it is about the city I’m living in. ——乔安娜·阿里奥拉19岁

I thought that at first I was going to be overwhelmed with all the people and the busy streets of Austin. Yet, 经过漫长的时间, I’ve realized that even in this big city people are closer and things are more tight-knit, 给人一种小镇的感觉. 当我在南国会大道.), 有很多人, 尤其是在周末, but everyone is doing their own thing and you don’t get wrapped up in anything. All the local, small business makes it seem like we aren’t in some tourist city. ——吉米·马丁内斯,21岁

Three students sitting on the grass, talking.

I come from a relatively small town where I often struggle to find certain activities or fun things to do. But Austin is completely different, especially for young people. For me, 我特别喜欢在邦内尔山徒步旅行, 在齐尔克公园和狗玩耍, 蝙蝠之旅, 去巴顿温泉泳池游泳. ——凯特琳·冈萨雷斯,21岁

For me, the best thing about Austin is its relationship with St. Edward’s. I like how the school exists as a sort of bubble within the city. St. 爱德华有自己的社区, 但同时, there are so many ways to connect with the city and explore. There have been times when I’ve just needed a break from class and homework, 我去Zilker公园玩. But when I need a break from the bustle of the city, I can go back to the St. Edward’s campus, which is sort of a safe haven for me. ——Christopher Azaldegui, 19岁

我来自休斯顿, and I loved that I didn’t have to leave Texas to enjoy the hustle and bustle of a city but also didn’t have to sacrifice the outdoors. It’s a big city with everything anyone could ever want, 夏月咖啡馆的咖啡, 去Moonshine Patio Grille品尝美食, or even to paddle boarding Lady Bird Lake and hiking the Greenbelt. Austin really is filled with an amazing array of people, activities, and (most adorably) dogs!​ ——brianna Moore, 18岁

劳拉·欧文,19岁, who says her favorite thing in Austin is Mount Bonnell at sunset. “I took my family there exactly as the sun was setting one time, and the sunlight was bouncing off the water and trees in such a beautiful, 和平方式. It is one of the most gorgeous locations in Austin, and it really made me fall in love with the city. I could really see and appreciate the duality of the city: It balances nature and infrastructure in such a natural way. 如果你不太喜欢徒步旅行, you can get a similarly beautiful view from the rooftop terrace of the new Austin Public Library.”