这一年充满了我们大学历史上的许多关键时刻, 我们的山顶学生继续在学业上出类拔萃, 抓住一切机会实现我们的使命. We’re proud of our students' accomplishments and we’re honored to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our Class of 2022-23.

Among 这 year’s graduates are 11 Presidential Award winners who embraced their college experience to consistently live excellence out loud. 在他们的旅途中, 他们获得了学术上的荣誉和嘉奖, 领导学生组织,并以社会正义为中心创建有意义的校园活动, 服务和宣传. 他们接受了报酬丰厚的实习机会,并进行了开创性的研究. 他们自愿在奥斯汀和其他社区为他人服务.

下面,我们将分享他们的一些最高成就,以及他们自己的一些人生经验. See how these standout students gained the most from their time on the hilltop — and how they’re taking on their world.


Adoree Benke ‘23, 国际业务刑事司法

总统奖得主Adoree Benke的大头照
  • 曾担任圣. 爱德华的 这是我们的责任, a national organization that raises awareness about college sexual assault and educates youth about consent and bystander intervention. Adoree coordinated campus events that contributed to the overarching organizational goal of ending sexual violence. 
  • 安全步行志愿者, 一个学生组织,致力于在天黑后安全运送学生穿过校园. 她也是第九条委员会和第九条学生顾问委员会的成员.
  • 曾是校园商业兄弟会Delta Sigma Pi的成员,并为 山顶的观点.  

“圣·路德·金学院有很多领导力、服务和学术机会. 爱德华点燃了我的成长之火. 我接受了这些角色,因为我渴望为我的社区做出更多贡献. 我一直有很大的梦想, 随着这些梦想越来越清晰, 我希望他们成长为进步的遗产.”




Sharee Eggleston ‘23, 领导与高等教育博士学位

总统奖得主Sharee Eggleston的大头照
  • Her doctoral dissertation addressed the real and perceived financial barriers to higher education in the United States. 作为这项研究的一部分,她一直在帮助学生完成他们的FAFSA申请.
  • 在教育和语言教学方面有十多年的经验, Sharee has mentored at-risk youth through a variety of roles and taught English as a second language to adult non-native English speakers. 
  • 在Covid-19大流行对学校影响最严重的时候, 她通过提供家庭教育指导来支持社区的孩子们.

“我所有的努力都是为了加强我在这方面的影响力. 这是我通过领导、服务和学术的追求. 我计划继续发展成为最好的自己,为家庭做出更大的贡献, 社区, 和社会.”


Sharee currently serves as a guardian ad litem with CASA of Travis County and a volunteer with BreakFree Education, 一个帮助被监禁的青少年获得高中文凭的组织. She plans to continue living out her mission through each of her future professional and volunteer experiences.

丹尼尔·格雷罗22岁 领导与高等教育博士学位

  • His doctoral dissertation research involved enhancing mentoring skills with the San Marcos Fire Department, 导致其他城市机构要求与他们进行类似的研究. 
  • 他在圣·霍普金斯大学完成了组织领导和伦理学硕士学位. 爱德华的.
  • 依赖于移情, 同情, 他在三岁时接受了圣十字教育,从中获得了韧性, 任期两年的圣马科斯市长, TX.

“每个学期我都以一节自我反省课开始, 阐明你的愿景, 拥抱真实. 所有这些都是我从圣何塞大学的教授和导师那里学到的重要经验. 4166am金沙登录. I love my job and believe the experiences I have gained as a student and servant leader have empowered me with the skills to inspire a new generation of leaders.”


Daniel is currently the Chair of the MBA Program at Concordia University and volunteers with Sunshine Kids Organization while serving on the Board of Directors for Discovery Camps, 这两家医院都是为癌症儿童服务的. 他也是德克萨斯州中部各种组织的志愿圣诞老人, 也是德克萨斯州制药委员会的董事会成员.


维多利亚·赫尔南德斯,23岁, 创业 / 市场营销

  • 被公认为学术卓越的麦克奈尔学者, she conducted graduate-level research on unequal access to healthcare which she presented at multiple national conferences.
  • 根据她作为CAMP学者的个人经历, 她曾担任CAMP浓缩周的主持人, 除了通过同伴学术计划定期指导CAMP新生.
  • 在奥斯汀FC获得了社区影响力实习机会, which allowed her to advance corporate social responsibility efforts by working with professional goalkeeper Brad Stuver on a free laundry service project and collaborate with Austin Pets Alive to find homes for over 50 rescue pets. 

“我总是强调我有多想改变世界. Austin FC教会了我一些公司可以做到这一点的不同方法.”


Victoria plans to attend graduate school and continue meaningfully living out her values in her professional career.


埃文毛 ‘23, 沟通 / 数字媒体管理

  • 作为山顶酒店的总裁, Evan revamped the way the group operates events like Choose SEU and other opportunities for tour guides to strengthen their bond with one another in order to be more successful in recruiting the next servant leaders of St. 爱德华的.
  • Served as a retreat leader for 校园部 which allowed him to recognize that true connection isn’t just built by listening to others, 但也要足够脆弱,与他们分享你的生活经历.
  • Participated in two 服务中断经历: one as a participant on a trip to Puerto Rico to restore homes destroyed by Hurricane Maria, 另一个则是在凤凰城的无家可归者收容所安德烈之家担任领导, 亚利桑那州.

“我在安德烈之家的一周体现了我仆人式领袖的观点. 我和许多不同的人分享我的故事, 在我的心中和脑海中留下了永久的记忆, 并通过积极鼓励我的团队以感激的态度与他人交流来提供指导, 谦卑, 信任, 以及真正的同理心和关怀:这些都是圣十字仆人式领导的特质."


毕业前, 埃文在雪花公司找到了一份全职的创意服务专家的工作, 一家他大一中期实习过的公司. 他还计划继续追求自己的表演梦想! 


考特尼·里德22岁, 心理学 / 宗教及神学研究

  • Served as president of the Black Student Alliance and spearheaded a “Power to the People” event to educate the student body on meaningful 激进主义. Courtney also initiated a Student Diversity 领导 Roundtable to voice the concerns of underrepresented students to campus leadership. 
  • 为了她的荣誉论文, 她探讨了厌女症, 种族歧视, 性别种族的微侵犯, 以及黑人女性接受高等教育的结果.
  • 在2020年秋季担任居民助理, 在2021年的暴风雪期间,她帮助向居民分发了清洁的饮用水, 她意识到,有时团聚意味着愉快地做一些小小的服务.

我忍不住环顾四周,意识到 是社区. 我明白了什么是真正的、有影响力的团结. I can confidently say that my most valued feat has been learning how to not only foster 社区 for those around me, 但也要成为其中的一部分.”


考特尼计划融入她的信仰, 激进主义, 通过攻读教育管理和政策方面的研究生课程,致力于教育事业.


倒是多 ‘22, 写作与修辞 / 天主教的研究 /创意写作

  • Led an unofficial Summer Playwriting Salon with Assistant Professor of Creative 写作与修辞 Tim Braun, 带领校园事工的务虚会. 
  • 担任编辑 《4166金沙手机版官网》 同时也是 Arete学术期刊.
  • 2020年2月, 她曾担任校园事工的属灵发展协调员, a position that allowed her to facilitate faith development programs at a time when many students were feeling lost and hopeless as a result of the global pandemic.

“我成为了我注定要成为的人. 4166am金沙登录. I realized how my creativity as a writer holds a place in my ministry; both are integral to my being, 而且都是在山顶上种植的.”


自从12月毕业, 卡莉斯塔正在寻求读研的机会,开始她的下一个篇章.


凯利萨利纳斯 ‘22, 生物学 / 教师教育

  • 获得罗伯特·诺伊斯基金会诺伊斯奖学金, which provides scholars from STEM backgrounds the opportunity to enter the education field by working in a Title I school.
  • 担任设计编辑 山顶的观点.
  • 担任校园事工的领导和积极成员, 以及一名住校助理和学生迎新主任.

 “I cannot help but be grateful for the ways that leadership and service have shaped my approach to life.”


自从12月毕业, 凯利一直在奥斯汀德尔瓦莱高中教育心灵. 虽然她教的是科学,但她也在向学生传授圣十字的价值观. 毕竟,用她自己的话说,她已经获得了“爱他人的科学学位”.”


玛雅内衣裤 ‘23, 刑事司法 / 会计

  • 在特拉维斯县少年司法部门实习, 她有机会在加德纳-贝茨少年拘留中心指导青少年吗. 她制定了生活技能课程计划, 促成了一个嘻哈治疗项目, 并协助青年为求职和面试做准备.
  • 曾任女排队长. She helped lead the team to make the first ever Conference Tournament Championship Match in the Lone Star Conference in Fall 2021.
  • 曾担任学生会的领导和积极成员, 学生运动员咨询委员会, 校园部, 以及黑人学生联盟.

“Being involved allowed me to grow beyond being a student-athlete; it taught me how to be a leader. I was soon an athlete passionate about social justice working to maintain a safe space for Black students.”


Maya will attend Angelo State University in the fall where she will be pursuing a master’s in 工商管理 with a specialization in 健康care 管理.


Sabrina Loren Tabibian ‘23, 社会工作 / 心理学

  • 曾担任社工学生会主席. 在她的领导下,该组织从15名成员发展到110多名成员.
  • 曾担任圣. 爱德华的“一代公民”章节,这让她有机会为中学生做志愿者.
  • 作为帝王蝶的成员, she helped to establish the university’s first food pantry and led ally training to create a more inclusive campus 社区.

“能够亲眼看到我的影响改变了我的生活. “我越是敢于走出自己的舒适区, 我就越有宾至如归的感觉,我和自己的联系就越紧密. 我找到了我的心该在的地方.”


塞布丽娜以4分毕业.我的平均成绩为0分,并且被社会工作专业的研究生课程录取. 她打算继续当导游, 支持, 并通过从事危机社会工作者的职业来教育他人, 最终, 一位能够影响年轻学生生活的教授,就像她的教授影响她的生活一样.


Saida Wiltz, 23岁, 生物化学

  • Researched race-based health disparities which focused on how inadequate health care for black communities is often the result of implicit bias.
  • 曾担任学生多样性和包容性领袖圆桌会议成员, 她就如何加强校园DEI活动提出了建议.
  • 共同创立了黑人学生运动员和盟友委员会(BSAAC), organizing meetings between black student-athletes and campus allies who came together to talk openly about their personal experiences with 种族歧视.

“阅读统计数据和了解压迫制度是令人生畏的, but being the leader of BSAAC taught me how creating spaces where people feel seen and heard can encourage growth and combat implicit bias in others. 这段经历告诉我,思想上的微小变化可以让更多人成为反种族主义者.”


赛达计划把她的圣. 爱德华的教育回到了她在南加州的家乡, where she hopes to work for a hospital and establish 社区 centers for black youth focused on health and wellness.