Teacher and critic of British Romantic and 18th-century literature, Irish literature. LGBTQ文学和电影. 作家、纪录片导演

Christopher Flynn is an English professor, writer, and documentary filmmaker. He started his professional life as a trombone player, spent a decade writing and editing on daily newspapers in New York, 康涅狄格, 加州, 和德州, and has taught and worked on literature 和电影 since 1996. 他的书, 电影, 而文章则倾向于探究被排斥者, 另一个, 想象作品中的流浪者. 他最近的一个项目, 一部关于浪漫主义空间和场所的电影, 模糊了艺术家和评论家之间的界限, 记录主体和记录者. 他曾在法国和英国任教, and teaches classes in British and Irish literature, LGBTQ文学和电影.




Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 2002-2004





Ph.D. in English at University of 加州, Los Angeles, 2002.

M.A. in English at University of 加州, Los Angeles, 2000.

M.A. in English at 加州 State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 1997.

B.S. in Music and 历史 at Indiana University, Bloomington, 1987.

Degree student in music performance, The Juilliard 学校, New York, 1982-83.

成就 & 参与


2015, 2013, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, Presidential Excellence Award, St. 4166am金沙登录

2003, National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar for College Teachers


2003, C. Allan and Marjorie Braun Fellowship, The Henry Huntington 图书馆


  • North American Society for the Study of Romanticism
  • 英国浪漫研究协会
  • 柯勒律治协会
  • Keats-Shelley协会
  • 丹尼尔·笛福协会
  • 现代语言协会
  • 奥斯汀诗社


  • 丹尼尔·笛福协会,董事会,2007-11
  • Sigma Tau Delta, National English Honors Society, Board of Directors, 2005-2009



My research interests include British Romantic literature, Irish literature, 和电影. Many of these works focus on the figure of 另一个 or outsider. 我已经出版了一本书和几篇文章. 最近我一直在拍纪录片.



我发表过诗歌和创造性的非虚构作品. 我的创作文章集中在旅行上. 他们曾出现在 montrassal 审查, 体育文化, 这个, 认同理论,以及其他地方. I studied creative writing at the University of 新奥尔良, and music at The Juilliard 学校.

出版物 & 文章



Americans in British Literature, 1770-1832: A Breed Apart. 伯灵顿:阿什盖特,2008.


塞纳河上的周日超级碗.” montrassal 审查2013年3月.

《4166金沙手机版官网》.” 体育文化. 2011年秋季.

“SE VENDE/FOR SALE: Searching for Signs in Central Mexico.” 蒙特利尔

审查, 2011.

“Les Houches非常复杂.” montrassal 审查2011年7月.

笛福的评论:文本编辑与新媒体.” 数字笛福. 2009年春季. 特邀多媒体项目. http://www.english.ilstu.edu/digitaldefoe.

“Frances Trollope’s America: From Enlightenment Aesthetics to Victorian Class.” Enlightening Romanticism, Romancing the Enlightenment, ed. 米里亚姆华莱士. 伯灵顿:阿什盖特,2009.

“Challenging Englishness from the Racial Margins: William Charles Macready’s The Irishman in London; Or, The Happy African.” 爱尔兰研究评论. 2008年5月,159-72.

“Dismembering Anglo-America: The Body Politic and the First English Novel about the American Revolution.” 共生:盎格鲁-美国期刊 文学的关系. 2005年秋季.

“Body Waxing, Lord Byron and the Long Way Through Turkey.” 认同理论. 2005年2月. 转载的 的小册子 激动人心的思想. 2005年10月.

“Coleridge’s American Dream: National Genius, Natural Language and the Sonnets of 1794-95.” 欧洲浪漫主义评论. 2002年秋,411-25.

“This Land Is Our Land: Nationalism, Commerce and Imperial Anxiety in Defoe's Later Works.” 落基山语言文学评论. 2000年秋季,11-24.

“‘世界上再没有别的岛屿了’; 曼斯菲尔德公园、北美和后帝国时期的萎靡不振.” 共生:盎格鲁-美国期刊 文学的关系. 2000年秋,173-86.



  • “The American: Richard Linklater’s Expatriate in the 之前 三部曲.” Symbiosis 2015, Essex University, Colchester, 英格兰, 2015年7月.
  • 笛福在刑冠上. Film premier and plenary session at the 丹尼尔·笛福协会 Conference, 巴斯斯帕大学, 浴, 英格兰, 2015年7月.
  • “ 'The Shortest Way with the Dissenters' and Public Credit.” 丹尼尔·笛福协会 Conference, Normal, Illinois, August 2013.
  • “From Newgate to Virginia: America as Prison and Purgative in Defoe’s 摩尔 弗兰德斯.” Symbiosis 2013, Brunel University, London, 英格兰, June 2013.
  • “Lost Love and the Gallows: Portals to the Sublime in 摩尔·弗兰德斯.” Trauma and the Sublime Conference, University of Wales, Swansea, August 2008.
  • 笛福评论:文本编辑与新媒体.” South Central Association for the Study of Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference, 新奥尔良, 2008年2月.
  • “Byron's American Heroes: Daniel Boone, George Washington and the Limits of Republican Simplicity.” Symbiosis Conference, Brunel University, London, 英格兰, July 2007.
  • 笛福的评论:第一个博客?” Midwestern Society for the Study of the 18th Century, Minneapolis, October 2006.
  • “Defoe’s Cross-Dressing Pirates and the Revaluing of Sexuality in the Early 18th Century.” South Central 现代语言协会 Conference, Houston, 2005年10月.
  • “Cabins, Closets and Laboratories: Architecture and the Queering of Space in 《4166金沙手机版官网》.” North American Society for the Study of Romanticism Conference, Montreal, August 2005.



主动阅读在我所有的课上都是至关重要的. 你需要仔细阅读, 做笔记, 标记你的文本, and show up prepared to take an active part in class discussions. 


Literature is an artistic record of the way societies have explained themselves to their own members and to others. 我们通过讲述这些故事来了解自己. I am passionate about guiding students through these explorations of our own society and those of other peoples, about helping them see the beauty of the construction of literary texts. We become our best visions of ourselves through a deep study of the liberal arts, 文学是这项研究的核心. 


